Funny it's the same thing which almost everyone has experienced the heartbreak. It hurts like hell. We can't even describe the pain. You may find yourself with teary eyes without any concrete reasons. You can cry while listening to lecture. Because of the pain you're experiencing. Here i am. To describe the ultimate pain. I've been reading a lot lately. Im studying about depression. I looked up about a lot of things just to justify my ex's behaviour. He was really nice to me. Sometimes we fought. Sometimes we shared silly jokes. Sometimes we watched movie together eventhough we weren't really in a good term, but he still make it though. Because he promised. He left me because he was in pain. Pain which can't be describe into words. HE was in despair. He was having major depressive episodes. Few days before we broke up. Ive already asked him few questions and of course one of it was ' are you gonna leave me' ... and he said no. Just few